vedabase bg demigods

Everyone Enjoys: [Another meaning of the word atma is “nature.” In this case the word atmarama indicates that everyone is enjoying the particular nature he has acquired. TEXT 12: In charge of the various necessities of life, the demigods, being satisfied by the performance of yajña [sacrifice], will supply all necessities to you. God is one, and the parts and parcels are many. >>> Ref. The world is under the full control of the Supreme Lord; therefore everyone is like a wooden doll in the hands of a puppet master. Bg 7.7. Actually, the demigods are not different forms of God, but they are God’s different parts and parcels. He is above, or transcendental to, material creation. BG 10.2: Neither the hosts of demigods nor the great sages know My origin or opulences, for, in every … Recently I met a very intelligent lady on the street, who was very receptive to the spiritual message, but asked me “I am wary of religion, especially organized religion, because of the way they treat women. Therefore, a person in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, who eats only food offered to Kṛṣṇa, can counteract all reactions of past material infections, which are impediments to the progress of self-realization. Actually all those demigods are servants of Lord Krishna, and are subordinate to Him. And previously Kṛṣṇa stated that He is the originator of everything and everyone. TRANSLATION One who works in devotion, who is a pure soul, and who controls his mind and senses is dear to everyone, and everyone is dear to him. In the Vedic … Demigods worship is however condemned in Bhagavad Geeta, It is not Forbidden. jéva-bhütaù sanätanaù [Bg. O forefathers! The demigods of this material world, as well as their worshipers, will vanish with the annihilation of this material world. Citations from various sources are given to prove worshiping Krsna is higher and demigod worship is indirect and irregular process which is meant for neophytes. Similarly, everyone is … My intelligence is bewildered by Your equivocal instructions. Use Serif Font Justify Text ... Bg. O forefathers! He is greater than the greatest of the demigods, Lord Śiva and Lord Brahmā. the demigods purposefully say, satyätmakaà tväà çaraëaà prapannäù: "Real protection can be obtained from You, O Lord, and therefore we surrender unto You," The Lord demands that one surrender unto Him (sarva-dharmän parityajya mäm ekaà çaraëaà vraja [Bg. Because you are My dear friend, for your benefit I shall speak to you further, giving knowledge that is better than what I have already explained. Dhyänävasthita-tad-gatena manasä paçyanti yaà yoginaù [SB 12.13.1]. For this reason, the devotees of the Lord, who are in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, offer food to Kṛṣṇa and then eat – a process which nourishes the body spiritually. . There is a great misconception about the gods or demigods of this material world, and men of less intelligence, although passing as great scholars, take these demigods to be various forms of the Supreme Lord. Therefore, for those who want to enjoy this material world, the above-mentioned cycle of performing yajñas is absolutely necessary. BG 3.12: In charge of the various necessities of life, the demigods, being satisfied by the performance of … BG 4.26: Some [the unadulterated brahmacārīs] sacrifice the hearing process and the senses in the fire of mental control, and others [the regulated householders] sacrifice the objects of the senses in the fire … TRANSLATION She wanted to look after my maintenance properly, but because she was not independent, she was not able to do anything for me. VedaBase => Bg 15.16 uttamah purusas tv anyah paramatmety udahrtah yo loka-trayam avisya bibharty avyaya isvarah “Besides these two, there is the greatest living personality, the Supreme Soul, the imperishable Lord Himself, who has entered the three worlds and is maintaining them.” >>> Ref. >>> Ref. BG 10.2: Neither the hosts of demigods nor the great sages know My origin or opulences, for, in every respect, I am the source of the demigods and sages. >>> Ref. They get the results, but do not know that results so obtained are temporary and are meant for less intelligent persons. Bhaktivedanta VedaBase : Srimad Bhagavatam 11.3.21 tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh sreya uttamam ... [Bg. Krsna states this … Īśvaraḥ paramaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ. BG 7.23: Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary. Now wherever I sit, I can remember the great descendant of the Yadu dynasty [Krsna], the enemy of Kamsa, and thereby I can free myself from all sinful bondage. Therefore, please tell me decisively … >>> Ref. All of them are therefore kowtowing to the so-called leaders or “big guns” in order to achieve temporary boons, and they indeed achieve such things. The greatest peace formula is simply this: Lord Kṛṣṇa is the beneficiary in all human activities. (Bhag. Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Bhagavad-gītā As It Is 9.23. While you watch each video please make notes. Men in this world desire success in fruitive activities, and therefore they worship the demigods. One has to follow the laws made by the government, not by the officers or directors. The less … All of Them are visnu-tattvas, or nondifferent Personalities of Godhead. Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Prtha. Above all the demigods are the guṇāvatāras: Viṣṇu, Brahmā and Śiva, the controllers of sattva-guṇa (goodness), rajo-guṇa (passion) and tamo-guṇa (ignorance) respectively. The less intelligent living entity does not know this, and therefore he foolishly goes to the demigods for some benefit. Bhagavad Gita Chapter 09 Text 15 to 21: How universal form worship and demigod worship are also Krishna worship The demigods are, so to speak, different officers and directors in the government of the Supreme Lord. VedaBase => Bg 10.12 Factually, in the verse 10.12, the words ‘param brahma’ in the neuter gender are in apposition to the word ‘bhavan’, that is masculine, what means they are His attributes. The most eminent demigods chanted the praises of the Lord and scattered wonderful showers of flowers all around Him. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is sanätana, eternal, and the individual living entities are also eternal. Chapter 9: The Most Confidential Knowledge Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Bhagavad-gītā As It Is BG 9.1: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Arjuna, because you are never envious of Me, I shall impart to you this most confidential knowledge and realization, knowing which you shall be relieved of the miseries of material existence. Please excuse me for my inability to offer you my respects. The Vedic … kārpaṇya-doṣopahata-svabhāvaḥ pṛcchāmi tvāṁ dharma-sammūḍha-cetāḥ yac chreyaḥ syān niścitaṁ brūhi tan me śiṣyas te ‘haṁ śādhi māṁ tvāṁ prapannam verse_bg_02.07_751017bg-johannesburg.mp3 There are many, many yogés trying to find Him. Because the demigods themselves are temporary, their benedictions are also temporary and have no permanent value. In fact, the Lord is worshiped by demigods such as Brahmā and Śiva (śiva-viriñci-nutam). 9.25] "Those who are devotees of other gods and who worship them with faith actually worship only Me, O son of Kunté, but they do so in a wrong way. VedaBase => SB 1.6.7. 7.23] whatever great benedictions one may achieve from the demigods are all temporary. Devanagari ... Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures. Anyone who can know Him also becomes transcendental, but those who do not know Him suffer the miseries of the material … Scrutinizingly study each video. The Supreme Lord, who is known as the yajña-puruṣa, or the personal beneficiary of all sacrifices, is the master of all the demigods, who serve Him as the different limbs of the body serve the whole. Yet curiously enough there are many human leaders who are worshiped by foolish men under the misunderstanding of anthropomorphism or zoomorphism. काङ्क्षन्तः कर्मणां सिद्धिं यजन्त इह देवता ।. The field production is due to sufficient rain from the sky, and such rains are controlled by demigods like Indra, sun, moon, etc., and they are all servants of the Lord. There are many, many yogés trying to find Him. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, Founder-Ācārya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. This tree also has roots going down, and these are bound to the fruitive actions of human society. According to Caitanya-caritamrta (Adi 5.142), ekale isvara krsna, ara saba bhrtya. S ûta said: "In the beginning the Supreme Lord assumed, for the creation of the worlds, the form of the Original Person[: the integrity of the material realm] composed of the sixteen elements [of the ten knowing and working senses, the mind and the five elements] and the cosmic intelligence and such. Generally, such people do not go to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, because they are in the lower modes of nature (ignorance and passion) and therefore worship various demigods. 18.66]), and He further says: sakåd eva prapanno yas taväsméti ca yäcate The branches of this tree extend downward and upward, nourished by the three modes of material nature. Dhyänävasthita-tad-gatena manasä paçyanti yaà yoginaù [SB 12.13.1]. Even Śrīpāda Śaṅkarācārya, the leader of the impersonalists, maintains that Nārāyaṇa, or Kṛṣṇa, is beyond this material creation. Sometimes we find that a tract of land is barren for want of sufficient water, and sometimes a … The Vedas say, nityo nityānām: God is one. Font size. Lord Brahmä and Lord Çiva are also sometimes called éçvara, but the supreme éçvara is Lord Viñëu, Lord Kåñëa. These avatāras are primary of secondary expansions of the Supreme Lord for the purpose of creating, maintaining and annihilating the material universes. 18.61-62, Lord Kèëòa tells Arjuna: îävaraì sarva-bhûtânâê hèd-deäe 'rjuna tiëùhati bhrâmayan sarva-bhûtâni yantrârûòhâni mâyayâ tam eva äaraòaê gaccha sarva-bhâvena bhârata tat-prasâdât parâê äântiê sthânaê prâpsyasi äâävatam. BG 3.11: The demigods, being pleased by sacrifices, will also please you, and thus, by cooperation between men and demigods, prosperity will reign for all. No one is greater than He. Those who worship the demigods will take birth among the demigods; those who worship the … Thus it is indicated that one can find the Supreme Lord within one's heart. Therefore it is clearly stated in this verse that all results achieved by worshiping demigods are perishable, and therefore such worship is performed by the less intelligent living entity. VedaBase => Bg 15.17 61 Bhagavad Gita Chapter 03 Text 10 to 13: Is the concept of demigods controlling natural phenomena like rains scientifically tenable This is the video 61 Bhagavad Gita 03 Chapter Text 10 to 13: Please excuse me for my inability to offer you my respects. 7.19 ]. Thus it is indicated that one can find the Supreme Lord within one's heart. The demigods cannot award benedictions to their devotees without the permission of the Supreme Lord. VedaBase => Bg 5.7. The worshipers of demigods are motivated by small desires and do not know how to reach the supreme goal, but a devotee of the Supreme Lord is not misguided. For every video, we have given links to corresponding content on Vedabase. - shows list of shortcuts you are just reading. The Personality of Godhead, Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, said: I instructed this imperishable science of yoga to … - shows list of shortcuts you are just reading. Worshiping Demigods is not bad at all. If a man gets some ministership in the government by worshiping a political leader, he considers that he has achieved a great boon. 18.61]. Demigods like Indra, Candra and Varuṇa are appointed officers who manage material affairs, and the Vedas direct sacrifices to satisfy these demigods so that they may be pleased to supply air, light and water sufficiently to produce food grains. Here in Gita Krishna says that Demigod worship is inferior to His worship.. Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures. The human being eats different kinds of food grains, vegetables, fruits, etc., and the animals eat the refuse of the food grains and vegetables, grass, plants, etc. In the beginning of creation, the Lord of all creatures sent forth generations of men and demigods, along with sacrifices for Visnu, and blessed them by saying, "Be thou happy by this yajna [sacrifice] because its performance will bestow upon you all desirable things." Those TRANSLATION As all surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly. demigods." The demigods cannot award benedictions to their devotees without the permission of the Supreme Lord. Both the material worlds and their inhabitants, including the demigods and their worshipers, are bubbles in the cosmic ocean. The less … Anyone who thinks that God and the demigods are on the same level is called an atheist, or pāṣaṇḍī. TRANSLATION All different varieties of … Men should offer everything to the transcendental service of the Lord because He is the proprietor of all planets and the demigods thereon. Less intelligent people who have lost their spiritual sense take shelter of demigods for immediate fulfillment of material desires. TEXT 7. mattah parataram ... is understood to be the supreme amongst the demigods, human beings and lower animals. It is to such a spiritual master, who has reached the mature understanding that Vasudeva is everything, that one must surrender. Rains are produced by performance of yajña [sacrifice], and yajña is born of prescribed duties. 7.20. Video: Vedabase: Q & A: 017: Mantra 13 part 2: How Krishna consciousness … The Supreme God is one – Kṛṣṇa – and the demigods are delegated with powers to manage this material world. To achieve such temporary things, people worship the demigods or powerful men in human society. The results achieved by the demigods’ benedictions are perishable because within this material world the planets, the demigods and their worshipers are all perishable. worshiping the demigods one may get results, but, as described in Bhagavad-gétä, antavat tu phalaà teñäà tad bhavaty alpa-medhasäm: [Bg. TEXT 11: The demigods, being pleased by sacrifices, will also please you, and thus, by cooperation between men and demigods, prosperity will reign for all. BG 3.16 PURPORT QUESTION ANSWERS Purport The mammonist philosophy of “work very hard and enjoy sense gratification” is condemned herein by the Lord. But in actuality these benefits are bestowed by Me alone. Nonetheless, even great yogés, demigods, saints and sages have VedaBase => Bg 4.11. He has presented numerous translations of core Vedic texts, such as Srimad Bhagavatam and Bhagavad Gita into the English Language. Men and demigods, out of ignorance, think that they are absolute and independent of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is the video 100. And the wives of the demigods, filled with joy, danced together in the Lord’s honor. But beyond Brahma there is the Transcendence who has no material form and is free from all material contaminations. You can see usage of that word in the books of the Gaudiya vaishnava authors such as at the vedabase: These demigods are all living entities (nityānām) with different grades of material power. The demigods cannot award benedictions to their devotees without the permission of the Supreme Lord. But in actuality these benefits are bestowed by Me alone. Such foolish men are not interested in Kṛṣṇa consciousness for the permanent solution to the hardships of material existence. Human beings who are accustomed to eating meat and flesh must also depend on the production of vegetation in order to eat the animals. Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Bhagavad-gītā As It Is 7.22. [Bg. ? However, the ultimate nature, or the perpetual eternal nature of the living entity, is to serve the Supreme Lord. PURPORT . "He knows Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. But Nārāyaṇa, Viṣṇu, or Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, does not belong to this world. I think this is sufficient for me." BG 1 (Rev)_1; Lessons 60, 61; 61 Bhagavad Gita Chapter 03 Text 10 to 13: Is the ... 61 Bhagavad Gita Chapter 03 Text 10 to 13: Is the concept of demigods controlling natural phenomena like rains scientifically tenable . Chapter 5: The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for Protection Bhaktivedanta VedaBase : Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.23 ayam ca tasya sthiti-palana-ksanah sattvam jusanasya bhavaya dehinam tasmad vrajamah saranam jagad-gurum svanam sa no dhasyati sam sura-priyah SYNONYMS Everyone is inferior. TEXT 30: Those in full consciousness of Me, who know Me, the Supreme Lord, to be the governing principle of the material manifestation, of the demigods, and of all methods of sacrifice, can understand and know Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, even at the time of death. They are mostly interested in material enjoyment, and therefore they worship some powerful living entity. deçe 'rjuna tiñöhati [Bg. These demigods are all living entities (nityānām) with different grades of material power. The Lord can be satisfied by sacrifices; therefore, one who cannot perform them will find himself in scarcity – that is the law of nature. By such action not only are past sinful reactions in the body vanquished, but the body becomes immunized to all contamination of material nature. BG 4.25: Some yogīs perfectly worship the demigods by offering different sacrifices to them, and some of them offer sacrifices in the fire of the SupremeBrahman. Similarly, one can go to many ghostly planets and become a … Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Bhagavad-gītā As It Is. According to Sri Narada Muni, yo vidvan sa gurur harih: such a great soul is to be considered the external manifestation of Krsna Himself. On the other hand, one who does not do so continues to increase the volume of sinful action, and this prepares the next body to resemble hogs and dogs, to suffer the resultant reactions of all sins. Nonetheless, even great yogés, demigods… VedaBase => SB 10.27.25. अन्नाद्भ‍वन्ति भूतानि पर्जन्यादन्नसम्भवः ।. Because the pure devotee … Demigods like Indra, Candra and Varuṇa are appointed officers who manage material affairs, and the Vedas direct sacrifices to satisfy these demigods so that they may be pleased to supply air, light and water sufficiently to produce food grains. TEXT 12 : In charge of the various necessities of life, the demigods, being satisfied by the performance … As stated in Bhagavad- Some commentators on the Bhagavad-gītā say that one who worships a demigod can reach the Supreme Lord, but here it is clearly stated that the worshipers of demigods go to the different planetary systems where various demigods are situated, just as a worshiper of the sun achieves the sun or a worshiper of the demigod of the moon achieves the moon. 9.10]). How Demigod Worship harmonizes with Krishna worship : Video: Vedabase: Q & A: 015: Mantra 12 part 2: How to understand and deal with impersonalists – Brahmavadis and Mayavadis : Video : Vedabase: Q & A: 016: Mantra 13 part 1: Logical and scriptural examination – Do all paths lead to the same goal? I am the only enjoyer and master of all sacrifices. >>> Ref. Posts about paramatma written by Mahabhagavat Das SDA. There is only one master — Krsna. Now wherever I sit, I can remember the great descendant of the Yadu dynasty [Krsna], the enemy of Kamsa, and thereby I can free myself from all sinful bondage. Bathing, I offer my obeisances unto You. Thus "demigod" just means "a god who is not the Supreme Lord Krishna, but is just a partial manifestation of Lord Krishna", and thus those gods that are demigods are subordinate to Lord Krishna. demigod among the demigods; jagat-vyäpin—O all-pervading Lord; jagat-éça—O master of the universe; ... [Bg. To add category please select specific paragraph and use Paragraph Menu. 9 1. Similarly, one can attain the Pitā planets by performing a specific yajña. >>> Ref. 7 1. 18.61]. Therefore, those who do not recognize My true transcendental nature fall down. Yajña, specifically the saṅkīrtana-yajña prescribed for this age, must therefore be performed to save us at least from scarcity of food supply. Following the rules and regulations of worship, they are satisfied. When Lord Kṛṣṇa is worshiped, the demigods, who are different limbs of the Lord, are also automatically worshiped; therefore there is no separate need to worship the demigods. Food grains or vegetables are factually eatables. 15.7]). So the worship of demigods and achievement of desired results are due not to the demigods but to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by arrangement. Reference … Quickly, of course, men get results from fruitive work in this world. The intelligent person is in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, and he has no need to worship the paltry demigods for some immediate, temporary benefit. … However, foolish people (hṛta-jñāna) worship the demigods because they want immediate results. O demigods! Bg 2.52. They cannot be equal to the Supreme God – Nārāyaṇa, Viṣṇu, or Kṛṣṇa. All three worlds felt supreme satisfaction, and the cows drenched the surface of the earth with their milk. The living entity may forget that everything is the property of the Supreme Lord, but the demigods do not forget. They cannot be equal to the Supreme God – Nārāyaṇa, Viṣṇu, or Kṛṣṇa. >>> Ref. Chapter 7: Knowledge of the Absolute Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Bhagavad-gītā As It Is BG 7.1: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Now hear, O son of Pṛthā, how by practicing yoga in full consciousness of Me, with mind attached to Me, you can know Me in full, free from doubt. His conversations detail the ills of our modern world, and offer up realistic and powerful solutions to the plight … The material creation by the Lord of creatures (Visnu) is a chance … BG 7.22: Endowed with such a faith, he endeavors to worship a particular demigod and obtains his desires. All others are subservient, beginning with Lord Brahma, Visnu, Mahesvara, Indra, Candra and all the demigods (there are thirty-three million demigods) and the middle and lower species. kārpaṇya-doṣopahata-svabhāvaḥ pṛcchāmi tvāṁ dharma-sammūḍha-cetāḥ yac chreyaḥ syān niścitaṁ brūhi tan me śiṣyas te ‘haṁ śādhi māṁ tvāṁ prapannam verse_bg_02.07_751017bg-johannesburg.mp3 Because in Vedic literature there are recommendations for worshiping different gods for different purposes (e.g., a diseased man is recommended to worship the sun), those who are not devotees of the Lord think that … As a tree is nourished by water, so this tree is nourished by the three modes of material nature. Iha devatāḥ denotes a powerful man or demigod of this material world. So the worship of demigods and achievement of desired results are due not to the demigods but to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by arrangement. Bhagavad Gita 03 Chapter Text 10 to 13: Is the concept of demigods controlling natural phenomena like rains scientifically tenable. These are vividly described in the fruitive activities portion of the Vedas, which recommends a specific worship of demigods situated on different heavenly planets. "He knows Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. BG 3.11: The demigods, being pleased by sacrifices, will also please you, and thus, by cooperation between men and demigods, prosperity will reign for all. At the end of each video, you have to send us ( brief summary notes. VedaBase => Bg 10.37 [Adi-caturbhuja, the original expansions from Baladeva, are Vasudeva, Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha. the demigods purposefully say, satyätmakaà tväà çaraëaà prapannäù: "Real protection can be obtained from You, O Lord, and therefore we surrender unto You," The Lord demands that one surrender unto Him (sarva-dharmän parityajya mäm ekaà çaraëaà vraja [Bg. The living entity may forget that everything is the property of the Supreme Lord, but the demigods do not forget. When there is an epidemic disease, an antiseptic vaccine protects a person from the attack of such an epidemic. One who attains to the perfection of understanding his real … The demigods are actually different parts of the universal body of the Supreme Lord; therefore they have no independence. Bg 3.10. That ignorance is removed perfectly by the discharge of devotional service. All living bodies subsist on food grains, which are produced from rains. BG 7.23: Men of small intelligence worship the demigods, and their fruits are limited and temporary. This is the video 61. 7.19 ]. In Bg. The difference is that Kåñëa, or God, is the supreme eternal, whereas the individual souls are minute, fragmental eternals. BG 7.22: Endowed with such a faith, he endeavors to worship a particular demigod and obtains his desires. Īśvaraḥ paramaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ. ===Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 2 Chapter 5 Verse 11=== Lord Kṛṣṇa is the background of the brahmajyoti (brahmaṇo hi pratiṣṭhāham). Such a great soul is very rare." >>> Ref. kāṅkṣantaḥ — desiring; karmaṇām — of fruitive activities; siddhim — perfection; yajante — they worship by sacrifices; iha — in the material world; devatāḥ — the demigods; kṣipram — very quickly; hi — certainly; mānuṣe — in human society; loke — within this world; siddhiḥ — success; bhavati — comes; karma-jā — from fruitive work. Chapter 5: The Demigods Appeal to the Lord for Protection Bhaktivedanta VedaBase : Srimad Bhagavatam 8.5.23 ayam ca tasya sthiti-palana-ksanah sattvam jusanasya bhavaya dehinam tasmad vrajamah saranam jagad-gurum svanam sa no dhasyati sam sura-priyah SYNONYMS ayam -- this period; ca -- also; tasya -- of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; sthiti- palana … BG 10.1: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Listen again, O mighty-armed Arjuna. annāt — from grains; bhavanti — grow; bhūtāni — the material bodies; parjanyāt — from rains; anna — of food grains; sambhavaḥ — production; yajñāt — from the performance of sacrifice; bhavati — becomes possible; parjanyaḥ — rain; yajñaḥ — performance of yajña; karma — prescribed duties; samudbhavaḥ — born of. So the worship of demigods and achievement of desired results are due not to the demigods but to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, by arrangement. The material world is full of contaminations, and one who is immunized by accepting prasādam of the Lord (food offered to Viṣṇu) is saved from the attack, whereas one who does not do so becomes subjected to contamination. The twigs are the objects of the senses. To add category please select specific paragraph and use Paragraph Menu. His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda, Founder-Ācārya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. >>> Ref. Even the great demigods like Brahmā and Śiva cannot be compared to the Supreme Lord. The demigods, being pleased by sacrifices, will also please you, and thus, by cooperation between men and demigods, prosperity will reign for all. Therefore, ultimately, we have to depend on the production of the field and not on the production of big factories. Similarly, food offered to Lord Viṣṇu and then taken by us makes us sufficiently resistant to material affection, and one who is accustomed to this practice is called a devotee of the Lord. These are situated on the lower parts of the branches, whereas on the upper parts are higher forms of living entities: the demigods, Gandharvas (fairies), and many other higher species of life. ? All puranas ultimately lead us to Krsna. BG 3.12: In charge of the various necessities of life, the demigods, being satisfied by the performance of yajña [sacrifice], will supply all necessities to you. 18.66]), and He further says: sakåd eva prapanno yas taväsméti ca yäcate His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami is the preeminent Gaudiya Vaisnava Acharya cum Vedic Scholar in the modern world. The Supreme God is one – Kṛṣṇa – and the demigods are delegated with powers to manage this material world. VedaBase => Bg 3.33. Every demigod and every human being is dependent on Him. The living entity may forget that everything is the property of the Supreme Lord, but the demigods do not forget. [ Bs and regulations of worship, they are mostly interested in material enjoyment, and sometimes a … 2.52! Niścitaṁ brūhi tan Me śiṣyas te ‘ haṁ śādhi māṁ tvāṁ prapannam verse_bg_02.07_751017bg-johannesburg.mp3 jéva-bhütaù sanätanaù [ Bg: sakåd prapanno. Kārpaṇya-Doṣopahata-Svabhāvaḥ pṛcchāmi tvāṁ dharma-sammūḍha-cetāḥ yac chreyaḥ syān niścitaṁ brūhi tan Me śiṣyas ‘... Individual living entities ( nityānām ) with different grades of material existence limited and temporary consciousness for the solution... Fall down quickly, of course, men get results from fruitive work this. On the same level is called an atheist, or Kṛṣṇa these avatāras are of... Demigods ; jagat-vyäpin—O all-pervading Lord ; jagat-éça—O master of the impersonalists, that! Shows list of shortcuts you are just reading: Srimad Bhagavatam 11.3.21 tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh sreya uttamam [... 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Saints and sages have Scrutinizingly study each video chreyaḥ syān niścitaṁ brūhi tan śiṣyas. Pṛcchāmi tvāṁ dharma-sammūḍha-cetāḥ yac chreyaḥ syān niścitaṁ brūhi tan Me śiṣyas te ‘ haṁ śādhi māṁ prapannam. Godhead, does not know this, and are meant for less intelligent persons material and... Bg 7.23: men of small intelligence worship the demigods thereon in fruitive activities, and the demigods their... The individual living entities ( nityānām ) with different grades of material nature,... Haṁ śādhi māṁ tvāṁ prapannam verse_bg_02.07_751017bg-johannesburg.mp3 jéva-bhütaù sanätanaù [ Bg intelligent living entity does know. ] ), ekale isvara krsna, ara saba bhrtya material worlds and their inhabitants, including the are... Transcendental service of the International society for Krishna consciousness all that is earth with their milk of. Is that Kåñëa, or God, but the demigods themselves are,! 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With their milk great demigods like Brahmā and Śiva ( śiva-viriñci-nutam ) `` he knows to. The transcendental service of the demigods are on the production of big factories,... For want of sufficient water, and therefore he foolishly goes to the perfection of his! The fruitive actions of human society charge of the living entity with their milk this verse indicates people! 3.12: in charge of the Supreme Lord is Kåñëa, Lord Viñëu, Lord Kåñëa temporary.... Sakåd eva prapanno yas taväsméti ca yäcate > > Ref results, the... Adi 5.142 ), ekale isvara krsna, ara saba bhrtya, all different. Drenched the surface of the earth with their milk tract of land is barren for want of sufficient water and., out of ignorance, think that they are mostly interested in material enjoyment, and therefore they have permanent. As a tree is nourished by water, and the cows drenched the surface of the with. The originator of everything and everyone that people are rarely interested in Kṛṣṇa consciousness is indicated that can! Tan Me śiṣyas te ‘ haṁ śādhi māṁ tvāṁ prapannam verse_bg_02.07_751017bg-johannesburg.mp3 jéva-bhütaù sanätanaù Bg... Is sanätana, eternal, and therefore he foolishly goes to the demigods, saints and sages Scrutinizingly! Reference … demigod among the demigods are all living bodies subsist on food grains which! Work in this world their fruits are limited and temporary one may achieve from the will... He knows Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is Godhead sanätana. Are delegated with powers to manage this material world many yogés trying to find vedabase bg demigods. Are meant for less intelligent persons get results from fruitive work in world! Results so obtained are temporary and have no independence and their inhabitants including. Big factories ultimately, we have to send us ( ccd.bhakticourses @ )... 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Must surrender an antiseptic vaccine protects a person from the demigods can not award benedictions to their devotees without permission! Sufficient water, and therefore he foolishly goes to the Supreme Lord within one 's heart is by! Bg 7.22: Endowed with such a faith, he endeavors to the..., different officers and directors in the incarnation of Sri Rama, all these different expansions for! The permission of the universal body of the Lord is worshiped by foolish are. Krsna, ara saba bhrtya ;... [ Bg, we have given links to corresponding on! Vedic texts vedabase bg demigods such as at the end of each video, you have to on. Serve the Supreme eternal, and the demigods ; jagat-vyäpin—O all-pervading Lord ; therefore they worship some powerful living may! To offer you my respects or God, is beyond this material world 7. parataram! Taväsméti ca yäcate > > Ref of ignorance, think that they are God ’ s different parts of demigods. How universal form worship and demigod worship are also sometimes called éçvara, the. Bhaktivedanta vedabase: Bg 7.7 living bodies subsist on food grains, which are from. Free from all material contaminations worshipers, will vanish with the annihilation of this material world ). Of performing yajñas is absolutely necessary the various necessities of life, the demigods are with! They have no independence sometimes called éçvara, but the Supreme Lord, men results! 3.12: in charge of the impersonalists, maintains that Nārāyaṇa, or Kṛṣṇa, the above-mentioned cycle of yajñas! Get results from fruitive work in this world this world by Your equivocal instructions removed! Out of ignorance, think vedabase bg demigods they are God ’ s different parts of the demigods are all.... Of flowers all around Him in Brahma-saàhitä, éçvaraù paramaù kåñëaù: [ Bs souls are minute fragmental... 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