coconut cream not whipping

Thanks so much for your kind words and lovely review, Liane. Do you think I can use this recipe and then (already hand whipped) put it into a whip cream canister for easy pouring? My favorite is Native Forest… get it from Vitacost! HELP!!!! What can I do to still be able to get this yummm looking coconut whip? Also this has been happening to me a lot lately. 2) Add Andre Prost brand coconut milk to the NO GO list! Has anyone tried it with a liquid sweetener, like honey or maple syrup? What makes this a Paleo whipped cream recipe? I put it straight back in the fridge for use later though. Made woth chaokoh coconut milk and was surprised at how much cream was in there!! So if all you want to do is use it between cake layers and on the top it will be fine. the serving size is 2 tbsp, how many will one can make. Your review told me a lot more about an angry nasty spirited reviewer than the recipe. Natalie. You could try omitting or using a little stevia instead. I am then planning on covering with ready roll icing. If you pick it up at the store and it sloshes around, put it back and get another one that sounds solid! It’s similar, but has a coconut undertone. Could I spread it on the cake then keep the cake refrigerated until serving? Less mess keeping it the can too. I would love to know if that milk can be used to make whipped cream. What you get is a very clear coconut water substance and cream left over at the top in the filter. I had it stored in the fridge for about a week, so it was thoroughly chilled and the whole thing was essentially a solid lump (like pics) with no excess liquid. May you be blessed…. Did u find that it melted at all? Sometimes I prefer more coconutty and other times more pineapple-ey. Hi! If you pre-make the coconut whip and then refridgerate and it sets, are you able to re-whip for re-use?? Simply chill overnight, pour into a bowl, then whip up this vegan-friendly cream to add the perfect finishing touch to all your favourite desserts, cakes & bakes. I made this whipped cream yesterday to receive my non-vegan family and to show them how tasteful vegan meals can be. I am wasting an awful lot of coconut milk full cream in cans trying to make this recipe. If you give it a try, we would love to hear how it goes! I tried this, but mine ended up with liquid underneath a chunky layer of “cream”. Does it ever separate after it sets for a bit? Better luck next time! It worked like a dream. What I did recently was take the cold cans out of the fridge and pour them into my Chemex with a Chemex filter in place. We tested 9 brands and these are the results! I use about 2-3 teaspoons. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be thick enough. It will turn solid on you and separate. You could whip this with a fork. Healthier options instead of the powdered white sugar? I’ve never whipped it so long it broke. Hi, I don’t like so much the powdered sugar. I’m using TJs. Any ideas or suggestions? I’m trying to make this and my coconut whipped cream has the consistency of butter. Let us know if you give it a try! I would also like to add there are some awesome vegan friendly quick/easy recipes and ideas to choose from, I don’t generally return to food blogs, but this one is proving irresistible! Adding a little tapioca flour might help! They give monkey a break…also when transporting the monkies they ride on the back of the motor cycle like a kid would…first time I. Or is it not thick enough? :). If you have never had Aroyo-D before, you are in for a treat. You want to make sure your coconut milk brand is cruelty free. my coconut cream was in the fridge for 10 hours and the freezer for 1/2 hour. Also, I find that the whipped coconut cream can have a bit of an off taste, but that can be handled by adding vanilla. I like the taste of thai brand from walmart. But I do not have a mixer. I know those full fat coconut milk cans that have the solid cream and the milk from Germany but I happen to live in Thailand and here you can’t get solid coconut cream. That is toooo freaking funny. and the homemade confectioner’s sugar — nothin’! After you refrigerate it you don’t even have to separate the milk in the coconut water it will whip into Cool Whip without doing anything but adding the powdered sugar and having everything plus your utensils really cold, Hi I made this for my son who is a Vegan so he would have a dessert to eat at a barbecue we were going too – it was absolutely delicious so much so that there was one slice left and my friend asked if we would like to take it home, as soon as the words came out of her mouth there was an uproar from her son and her husband both grabbing for the pie dish at the same time – needless to say the last slice stayed with them. Really excited to try this!! It has no additives or guar gums, but geez, all you need to do is give it one shake and poof it’s whipped up. :). For the middle layer, I mixed some of the coconut cream with cream cheese to firm it up a bit. Next time, would you mind leaving a rating with your review? Thank you! I’ve been having a lot of trouble with coconut milk lately. Would the cream be ok to leave at room temperature for about 2 days in the cupcakes? TJ’s Maple/Agave blend? However, Trader Joe’s recently changed their version of coconut cream (now with a blue label). Do you have any suggestions for what to do with the contents of a “dud” can? The coconut water I froze to add at some point to smoothies. @ $2.49! The pie was still delicious, just too sweet. IF so, how? It has been in the fridge for 24 hours. In regards to the monkey abuse for harvesting coconuts…l live in Thailand and when l first saw the whole monkey coconut thing…l was intrigued…my observations; the good tasting coconuts have very tall trees…yes they use monkeys on very long cables or chains or roap…in this instance..the monkeys are the family pets…the men(owners) train them and give the monkeys a lot of attention…the roap and collars are, yes , a control. Can I get this effect if I stir or whip by hand? Hi Emma, unfortunately some brands of coconut milk don’t work as well as others. Love this! Anyone know how to make it work?? over night, chill the beaters but when I am beating it stays looking like fine curb cottage cheese. As mentioned above, any brand that uses nothing but water & coconut (extract) is your best bet! I had the same problem as Jennifer Kim. I have had the exact same problem with the TJs coconut milk lately! I used coconut Cream from the store SPROUTS. It didn’t fluff like regular whip but came out more like soft-peaked meringue. Hi Dana – I need some help please! This will be our go-to whipped cream from now on! See our updated post for brand recommendations. Be careful when choosing your coconut milk, as some brands will stay creamy (or even chunky) in spite of refrigerating. Hi Sharon, it would be best to keep it separated until serving, if possible! Now grant it, I had the can chilling in the back of my fridge for about a week, but other than that can you give me ideas to aerate it more next time so it has higher peaks? Ah! Hi Chris, thanks for sharing your experience! I imagine I would have to scrape the blender and mix by hand, then start again; or do you think a handheld is the only, or best, way to create the whipped texture? We used it on strawberry pie, and the strawberries cut the coconut flavor. Hi Kanel, it’s hard to say without knowing exactly what you have, but if it is too watery, it won’t work. It’s yummy any time of the year, even during a snow storm :p, I’m in Thailand now and their pinaCs are just pure pineapple and coconut fresh stuff…. Before seeing this post, I made two attempts to whip Trader Joe’s (blue can) coconut cream. There will be some exceptions but still home made is different. For a dairy-free, vegan-friendly version, simply swap a good quality full fat coconut milk or coconut cream in its place and whip into soft peaks! Sitting overnight in the fridge the “whipped cream” took on more of a frozen Cool Whip consistency. I have the same problem – anyone have an answer? and how you sweetened & whipped it & then used it, day by day, in so many various ways, ending up with freezing the leftover coconut water to use later for smoothies. That should work! I am trying to eat sugar free…. Wondered if just whisking the coconut cream with (perhaps?) Hi Nancy, Here is a good article about it: Hello! Coconut Whipping Cream, Organic, Biona (400ml) £2.95 (73.8p per 100ml) in basket-1 + You know what’s better than a vegan pud? However there is abundance of fresh coconut whose meat I can use to make my own milk at home. I have seen this done but Unfortunately Trader Joe’s doesn’t have their coconut cream in the brownish can which I used in tons of recipes. Thanks. Expensive and worth it. Hi Jenn, we’re so glad it worked well! So now I’ve got this container of sweetened, stabilized coconut milk, and I don’t know if there’s a recipe, or what to do with it, rather than throw it out. I was just about to order this from Amazon… thank you, thank you!!! Almost too easy to do, I’ll have to restrict myself from buying coconut cream… :). Why does homemade coconut cream(taken from chilling homemade coconut milk) stay in fridge for 1-2 weeks but homemade coconut milk goes bad to 2-3 days? It’s incredibly fluffy and lends to amazing whip! You can make a day in advance! Do not use light coconut milk because it won’t turn out. Such a bummer too because it tasted amazing. lol. Hi Kate, we haven’t tried either of those, but let us know if you do! MONTY PYTHON !!!! Served as a trifle topping. Springer, Abbott, edited by Craig R. Elevitch ; forewords by Isabella Aiona; Leakey, Roger R.B. I think so, but it will make it a bit more runny. I just did a trial run for my daughter’s birthday and totally failed. My question is whether this is the same as coconut oil, as it looks very similar (hard, flaky and translucent). I’ve never tried it and heard it doesn’t work. The brand in my fridge right now is Aroy-D. Hope that helps ? I really recommend this recipe. The more I beat it, the lumpier it gets. I had coconuts growing outside my home in Thailand & the most coconuts produced in the world are from Indonesia. I’m curious if raw coconut meat could be whipped with powdered sugar to make this? Thank you Kristy, I’ll do that next time as the raw cane sugar didn’t work …..the coconut cream had more body before the whip and could’ve been spread thick on its own! Use coconut cream (the brands we recommend) for best results! Nikki – very helpful troubleshooting, wish I had read your comments before I whipped this up as a frosting for a cake! It separates and gets all clumped up and is a yucky texture. So I looked it up. This is what I have as well, Thai Kitchen. Also, choose the more expensive brand, it is likely to be sitting there longer and be separated. Let us know if you try it! If anyone has any brand recommendations, let me know. I used beaters to mix it on the weekend, with just a little (1 teaspoon) of powdered sugar (actually icing mixture. I’ve found that to even get anything that remotely resembles whipped cream, you really need the guar gum ingredient. Can you help? Powdered sugar has cornstarch which helps the peaks stay stiff in milk-made whipped cream, I wonder if it is useful with coconut whipped, since it seems to naturally hold peaks for a long while ? We have updated the post with brand recommendations. But what if I want to use the entire volume of the can for my dessert? Hopefully I will get it right the next time…because there will be a next time ;p. Can I make this, freeze it, and bring it somewhere to be used within an hour after getting it out of the freezer? I think next time I will go with the Aroy-D Coconut Milk as that has beat to a stiffer consistency in the past for me. Once it is refrigerated, how do I soften it to use it? Ideally, I would chill the whipped cream after making. My husband is lactose intolerant and this really hit the spot for him! When I did whisk it it didn’t get thick and didn’t take very long to just separate into what looked like sloppy porridge, lol. Turns out amazing! Hmm, your coconut cream/milk must’ve been old. I used a stand mixer (not a good one) with the chilled whisk and chilled bowl and found that my cream was rather stiff and not very airy despite leaving the machine running for 4 minutes. Although I was able to pipe it, it was a bit soft. I used gelatin (not concerned about the vegan, just avoiding eggs for an allergy) and it worked great. Gel coloring will probably be best. Add your sweetener and vanilla and … A lot of coconut milk sold in shops are just coconut essence in emulsified water, so they will never thicken up. If so, do you use the whole can, including the liquid part, when you whip the cream? BTW, something everyone probably already knows, but a Cuisinart Smart Stick will not work making whipped cream. Coconut milk is a processed product, though minimally so. This was amazing – I used refrigerated coconut cream to whip with sugar, then iced a two layer chocolate cake. I’ve had a problem with this. Thank you! Must use a handheld mixer as my whip attachment did not reach the bottom of the bowl sufficiently to whip the cream. I make it exactly like all the recipes say. Complete fail, I’m so disappointed as I thought I had something for my daughter who is allergic to dairy. STEP #9: Serve whipped cream immediately, as it is best made the day of use. Do you have any suggestions on what to do before i serve it? Hi Jen, You could maybe make a thick coconut milk/cream with it and then make it into coconut whip. I used Wholesome Pantry Organic Coconut which is available at Shoprite stores. I’m not sure! Xo, How are us vegans supposed to survive now that Trader Joe’s changed their coconut cream?! Is it possible to use a bullet blender to whip the coconut cream? Hi Irina, check out previous comments for help with this! I am not sure about refrigerating the coconut cream, as now it it is rock hard. What about its taste. No tapioca flour needed. Hi I am trying to make coconut whipped cream using full fat Native Forest brand coconut milk. How about with one of those hand-held milk frothers? The origin of coconut and pineapples are from Peruvian Amazon. Is it coconut cream or milk that is meant to be used ? BTW: Totally loving the coconut yogurt! You can make your own powdered sugar using the sugar you have a sticking it in the blender for 15 seconds or so. Since I discovered using coconut milk as a dairy alternative, I always keep at least two cans in my cabinent. Thankfully Trader Joe’s just introduced canned coconut milk without additives! Can is blue, and source of coconuts is Sri Lanka. Even the cans that are named “coconut cream” are completely liquid and won’t turn solid in the fridge. Hi! Regular coconut milk in the store is so expensive and you get so much less per can. I’d suggest making the coconut whipped cream and then refrigerating it overnight. hi dear … try Native Forest organic coconut milk classic. I think you’ll have better results if you frost the cupcakes the day of and serve immediately! I build or mix my base then put it in the refrigerator to rest before going at it to mix the “Fluff” for the final incorporation. Do you mind sharing what brand of coconut milk you used? I’m inclined to say no, but wanted to double check if anyone has had experience with it. So, shoul I attempt this recipe without chilling it? The brand is Let’s Do Organic! You are more likely to find the old cans in the grocery stores, not ethnic markets where people buy them more regularly. I don’t have a mixer – any luck whipping this by hand with a fork? I was waiting for it and giggling to myself reading through all of these replies. Wondering if there’s a way to fix it. But, like another poster, I used a can that had been sitting in the fridge for a long time, not just overnight to chill. Will it come out the same as the canned coconut milk ? Sorry my question wasn’t asked the right way, what I wanted to say is that here I live we don’t have any of the brands mentionned in canned coconut milk when only have fresh coconut milk sold at the market. Hi Dana, this is amazing! Savoy is sold at the Vietnamese grocers all over my neighborhood so I’ll be trying that for sure. Thanks so much! When storing in the fridge, should it be covered with a plastic wrap or left uncovered for the 1-2 weeks? DON’T DO IT! Dana – I just found your block and tried this. Hi Rin, we aren’t familiar with that product. I tried the Savoy Coconut Cream to pipe on a pie, and it worked out. :). Made this coconut chantilly yesterday and it worked so well and it was delicious. **The brand from Trader Joes’s pictured in the write up, with the brown label, worked really well (except for the occasional dud can). Hi Mary, thanks for sharing. How do you think this “whipped cream” would fair sandwich between layers of cake? Thank you! Is there something else I should use? I keep the coconut milk in the refrigerator all the time. I was so confused but after reading this i changed brand of coconut milk and it worked thanks. Having recently visited a coconut plantation in Thailand, I may be able to shed a light on the problem many of us are having. I’m just finishing up my 2nd Whole30, I kind of want my desserts back but NOT my dairy! Maybe the answer is staring me in the face, but can you tell me what I did wrong? Hi Gloria, we haven’t tried that and aren’t sure whether it would work. We’d suggest making the coconut whipped cream and then refrigerating it overnight. The best thing is that it is all cream…no seperating! Two comments: 1) love the chocolate cream pie! Better luck next time! Need to get the Arroy D to try. I added powdered sugar to see if I could correct for any damage that I may have done when I added the water, but nothing worked. Perfect! Hi Blu, You may want to check out our updated brand recommendations in the post. Definitely try it! Can I use an immersion blender or a nutribullet if I don’t have a stand or hand mixer? You could use cane sugar, which is not usually processed in the same way. ..however the monkeys are free to walk around, check things out, hang out with the men…eat things they like…it appeared very calm and friendly…so it is amazing how the monkey knows to knock down only the ripe coconuts…the owner will remain below the monkey…yell his “ques” when its time to change trees…when the trees are close enough to one another the monkey…can jump.or fly from one tree to the other….its amazing to watch…the monkeys work doing. Hi Lisa, It unfortunately doesn’t do too well at room temperature, but chilling it does help it firm up. It takes much longer by hand, but it should work! Actually coconuts travel on their own mostly. Six times!

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