bhagavad gita chapter 2 verse 47 in tamil

— The Srimad-Bhagvatam of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (vol. While exposing spiritual wisdom, whether the seeker or listener is an adhikari for it is a very important consideration which the exponent is supposed to take up first. யச்ச்ரேயஃ ஸ்யான்னிஶ்சிதம் ப்ரூஹி தன்மே ஶிஷ்யஸ்தே‌உஹம் ஶாதி மாம் த்வாம் ப்ரபன்னம் || 7 ||, ன ஹி ப்ரபஶ்யாமி மமாபனுத்யாத்யச்சோகமுச்சோஷணமின்த்ரியாணாம் | Chapter 2, Verse 47 ... Bhagavad Gita is a practical guide to one's life that guides you to re-organise your life, achieve inner peace and approach the Supreme Lord (the Ultimate Reality). ஆத்மன்யேவாத்மனா துஷ்டஃ ஸ்திதப்ரஜ்ஞஸ்ததோச்யதே || 55 ||, துஃகேஷ்வனுத்விக்னமனாஃ ஸுகேஷு விகதஸ்ப்றுஹஃ | To do karmas, to adhere to the laws of nature in this regard, is but to integrate the mind and buddhi of the performer with a view to achieve expansion and refinement; it is to gain verily the spiritual wisdom and the lasting fulfillment it fetches. What is a karma? க்ஷுத்ரம் ஹ்றுதயதௌர்பல்யம் த்யக்த்வோத்திஷ்ட பரம்தப || 3 ||, கதம் பீஷ்மமஹம் ஸாங்க்யே த்ரோணம் ச மதுஸூதன | ஆகமாபாயினோ‌உனித்யாஸ்தாம்ஸ்திதிக்ஷஸ்வ பாரத || 14 ||, யம் ஹி ன வ்யதயன்த்யேதே புருஷம் புருஷர்ஷப | The saadhaka comes first and only then his saadhana can follow. Adhikarah means ‘competence’. புத்த்யா யுக்தோ யயா பார்த கர்மபன்தம் ப்ரஹாஸ்யஸி || 39 ||, னேஹாபிக்ரமனாஶோ‌உஸ்தி ப்ரத்யவாயோ ன வித்யதே | You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Karmas are but the piecemeal, transitory, efforts which the subject doer makes from time to time. புத்தௌ ஶரணமன்விச்ச க்றுபணாஃ பலஹேதவஃ || 49 ||, புத்தியுக்தோ ஜஹாதீஹ உபே ஸுக்றுததுஷ்க்றுதே | Lord Krishna instructs Arjuna that for one who is fixed in goodness, whose sole aim is for liberation; the routine of performing daily duties, occasional duties and fruit bearing duties should be performed automatically and whatever recompense assigned to each of them should not be hankered for desiring rewards and benefits or else it becomes fruitive. Observing the Armies on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra 2. அதம் ஸ புருஷஃ பார்த கம் காதயதி ஹன்தி கம் || 21||, வாஸாம்ஸி ஜீர்ணானி யதா விஹாய னவானி க்றுஹ்ணாதி னரோ‌உபராணி | TEXTS 42-43. yam imam puspitam vacam pravadanty avipascitah veda-vada-ratah partha nanyad astiti vadinah kamatmanah svarga-para janma-karma-phala-pradam kriya-visesa-bahulam bhogaisvarya-gatim prati. Constant preservation and application of Yogabuddhi while doing any work, alone makes one a Karmayogin. “phaleshu” means: in fruits or results. Chapter 2: Contents of the Gita Summarized Bg 2.42, Bg 2.43, Bg 2.42-43. Ramanuja. 2) The fruits of your actions are not for your enjoyment. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! ததாபி த்வம் மஹாபாஹோ னைவம் ஶோசிதுமர்ஹஸி || 26 ||, ஜாதஸ்ய ஹி த்ருவோ ம்றுத்யுர்த்ருவம் ஜன்ம ம்றுதஸ்ய ச | ததா கன்தாஸி னிர்வேதம் ஶ்ரோதவ்யஸ்ய ஶ்ருதஸ்ய ச || 52 ||, ஶ்ருதிவிப்ரதிபன்னா தே யதா ஸ்தாஸ்யதி னிஶ்சலா | Sankhya Yoga | The Yoga of Analysis. Click Here for Your Bhagavad Gita Starter Kit! 1), Book 2, Chapter X, Verses 1-2 (SB 2.10.1-2) The Bhagavata further elaborates on the differences between lesser and greater Puranas possessing five or ten characteristics, respectively. Each shloka (verse) is explained in detail. It refers to the qualification or ripeness or deservingness of a person. தஸ்மாதபரிஹார்யே‌உர்தே ன த்வம் ஶோசிதுமர்ஹஸி || 27 ||, அவ்யக்தாதீனி பூதானி வ்யக்தமத்யானி பாரத | ஸித்த்யஸித்த்யோஃ ஸமோ பூத்வா ஸமத்வம் யோக உச்யதே || 48 ||, தூரேண ஹ்யவரம் கர்ம புத்தியோகாத்தனம்ஜய | Arjuna’s thought of leaving the warfield and taking up sannyasa was not at all right. An introduction to the Bhagavad Gita along with study resources can also be found here. 2.47 Your right is for action alone, never for the results. Now we go to the fourth aphorism: “Ma te sangah astu akarmani ––do not get attached to inaction.” Inactivity or idleness and the tendency to avoid or escape external involvements should never be encouraged. னிர்மமோ னிரஹம்காரஃ ஸ ஶான்திமதிகச்சதி || 71 ||, ஏஷா ப்ராஹ்மீ ஸ்திதிஃ பார்த னைனாம் ப்ராப்ய விமுஹ்யதி | This much is the message and verdict conveyed in the first quarter. ஸ்வல்பமப்யஸ்ய தர்மஸ்ய த்ராயதே மஹதோ பயாத் || 40 ||, வ்யவஸாயாத்மிகா புத்திரேகேஹ குருனன்தன | BHAGAVAD-GITA 2.13 dehino 'smin yathä dehe kaumäraà yauvanaà jarä tathä dehäntara-präptir dhéras tatra na muhyati TRANSLATION As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. It is a pity that even after 50 years of independence; many of us are prone to associate constricted religiosity ... more. The verse gives four instructions regarding the science of work: 1) Do your duty, but do not concern yourself with the results. What should not be at any time in the results? Will not such karmic involvement deny him the spiritual benefit and evolution, becomes a relevant thought. அனார்யஜுஷ்டமஸ்வர்க்யமகீர்திகரமர்ஜுன || 2 ||, க்லைப்யம் மா ஸ்ம கமஃ பார்த னைதத்த்வய்யுபபத்யதே | தஸ்மாத்ஸர்வாணி பூதானி ன த்வம் ஶோசிதுமர்ஹஸி || 30 ||, ஸ்வதர்மமபி சாவேக்ஷ்ய ன விகம்பிதுமர்ஹஸி | Though in different manners, most people of any society carry similar notes, the impulsions of rajoguna. Bhagavad-Gita: chapter 2, verse 49. 3) Even while working, give up the pride of doership. The word adhikara is used in such a context. But this is not the case. Arjuna had come to the battlefield with the preparation and resolve to fight and win. ததோ யுத்தாய யுஜ்யஸ்வ னைவம் பாபமவாப்ஸ்யஸி || 38 ||, ஏஷா தே‌உபிஹிதா ஸாங்க்யே புத்திர்யோகே த்விமாம் ஶ்றுணு | But any such thought, view or assessment would be gravely wrong, says Krishna. ~ Gita Journey is a straightforward, modern, contemporary, basic explanation and commentary of the Bhagawat Gita, with Sanskrit to English word meanings. Karma-yoga 4. Bhagavad Gita is a practical guide to one's life that guides you to re-organise your life, achieve inner peace and approach the Supreme Lord (the Ultimate Reality). இன்த்ரியாணி ப்ரமாதீனி ஹரன்தி ப்ரஸபம் மனஃ || 60 ||, தானி ஸர்வாணி ஸம்யம்ய யுக்த ஆஸீத மத்பரஃ | This is one of the most important and revered works of Sri Sankaracharya along with his commentaries on Brahma-Sutras and Upanishads. 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I am your disciple, and … Commentary: This is a great moment in the Bhagavad Gita , when for the first time Arjun, who is Shree Krishna’s friend and cousin, requests him to be his … ப்ரஸன்னசேதஸோ ஹ்யாஶு புத்திஃ பர்யவதிஷ்டதே || 65 ||, னாஸ்தி புத்திரயுக்தஸ்ய ன சாயுக்தஸ்ய பாவனா | The word 'Ashram' (in Sanskrit) stands for an abode of learning or education. ஆஶ்சர்யவச்சைனமன்யஃ ஶ்றுணோதி ஶ்ருத்வாப்யேனம் வேத ன சைவ கஶ்சித் || 29 ||, தேஹீ னித்யமவத்யோ‌உயம் தேஹே ஸர்வஸ்ய பாரத | Bhagavad Gita As It Is, 6.47: Knowledge of the Absolute, Text 47. வேதவாதரதாஃ பார்த னான்யதஸ்தீதி வாதினஃ || 42 ||, காமாத்மானஃ ஸ்வர்கபரா ஜன்மகர்மபலப்ரதாம் | On listening to this, not only Arjuna but any one else would feel inspired to take up the exclusive wisdom pursuit and achieve spiritual fulfilment without tottering in the world through karmic involvement. The place and purpose of karma are much loftier and more comprehensive. This is what Krishna explained throughout the Sankhya exposition. கதாஸூனகதாஸூம்ஶ்ச னானுஶோசன்தி பண்டிதாஃ || 11 ||, ன த்வேவாஹம் ஜாது னாஸம் ன த்வம் னேமே ஜனாதிபாஃ | karmany-evadhikaraste ma phaleshu kadacana ma karma-phala-hetur bhur ma te sango’stv-akarmani. emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_7667bbdf", 0); Please register to the site before you can sign for a list. What should be done to safeguard against such assaults? யானேவ ஹத்வா ன ஜிஜீவிஷாமஸ்தே‌உவஸ்திதாஃ ப்ரமுகே தார்தராஷ்ட்ராஃ || 6 ||, கார்பண்யதோஷோபஹதஸ்வபாவஃ ப்றுச்சாமி த்வாம் தர்மஸம்மூடசேதாஃ | னித்யஃ ஸர்வகதஃ ஸ்தாணுரசலோ‌உயம் ஸனாதனஃ || 24 ||, அவ்யக்தோ‌உயமசின்த்யோ‌உயமவிகார்யோ‌உயமுச்யதே | May you not have any inclination for inaction. ஸமாதாவசலா புத்திஸ்ததா யோகமவாப்ஸ்யஸி || 53 ||, ஸ்திதப்ரஜ்ஞஸ்ய கா பாஷா ஸமாதிஸ்தஸ்ய கேஶவ | னிர்த்வன்த்வோ னித்யஸத்த்வஸ்தோ னிர்யோகக்ஷேம ஆத்மவான் || 45 ||, யாவானர்த உதபானே ஸர்வதஃ ஸம்ப்லுதோதகே | Do not become the agent of the results of action. The first proposition is an independent and complete statement: Arjuna’s competence is only to take up the karma-nishtha, as different from jnananishtha. வீதராகபயக்ரோதஃ ஸ்திததீர்முனிருச்யதே || 56 ||, யஃ ஸர்வத்ரானபிஸ்னேஹஸ்தத்தத்ப்ராப்ய ஶுபாஶுபம் | The Bhagavad Gita, or “Song of God,” effectively begins from here because Shree Krishna, who was quiet until now, starts speaking in this verse. Sanga means identification or attachment born out of delusion. This is a very limited and even wrong point of view, says Krishna. ததா ஶரீராணி விஹாய ஜீர்ணான்யன்யானி ஸம்யாதி னவானி தேஹீ || 22 ||, னைனம் சின்தன்தி ஶஸ்த்ராணி னைனம் தஹதி பாவகஃ | To drive this point home Krishna states, “Your competence is only for karmayoga (and not for jnana sadhana)”. If Arjuna’s natural tendencies and qualities do not allow him to leave karmas and take up exclusive jnana-nishtha and therefore his pursuit can only be in doing work, a question becomes imperative: Will not the activities bind and torment his mind? Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! To practise Karmayoga is to understand this fourfold principle well and then to make a wholesome effort to apply it in practice everywhere. Whatever be the difficulty or hindrance in doing a work that has naturally come upon, it should be faced and redressed as far as possible by right evaluation and action. In reality, he initially wanted to escape the confrontation, which his mind was unable to accept or harmonize. “Kadacana” means ‘at no time’. ஸ்தித்வாஸ்யாமன்தகாலே‌உபி ப்ரஹ்மனிர்வாணம்றுச்சதி || 72 ||, ஓம் தத்ஸதிதி ஶ்ரீமத்பகவத்கீதாஸூபனிஷத்ஸு ப்ரஹ்மவித்யாயாம் யோகஶாஸ்த்ரே ஶ்ரீக்றுஷ்ணார்ஜுனஸம்வாதே, Srimad Bhagawad Gita Chapter 2 in Other Languages. வினாஶமவ்யயஸ்யாஸ்ய ன கஶ்சித்கர்துமர்ஹதி || 17 ||, அன்தவன்த இமே தேஹா னித்யஸ்யோக்தாஃ ஶரீரிணஃ | The Supreme Lord first begins by inducing in Arjun a hunger for knowledge. ... mā karma-phala-hetur bhūr mā te saṅgo ’stv akarmaṇi 2.47. is a modern Bhagavad Gita app with a simple, beautiful and easy to use interface, helping you focus on reading.It is an app built for Bhagavad Gita readers, by Bhagavad Gita readers. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change. Thus ends commentaries of chapter 2, verse 26 of the Srimad Bhagavad-Gita. Listening to the greatness of wisdom pursuit, none should feel tempted to rush into a full contemplative life. “Ma” means “do not” or “let not be”. BG 2.7: I am confused about my duty, and am besieged with anxiety and faintheartedness. ஸேனயோருபயோர்மத்யே விஷீதன்தமிதம் வசஃ || 10 ||, அஶோச்யானன்வஶோசஸ்த்வம் ப்ரஜ்ஞாவாதாம்ஶ்ச பாஷஸே | னாபினன்ததி ன த்வேஷ்டி தஸ்ய ப்ரஜ்ஞா ப்ரதிஷ்டிதா || 57 ||, யதா ஸம்ஹரதே சாயம் கூர்மோ‌உங்கானீவ ஸர்வஶஃ | Every creature on earth is active in one way or another. What does he mean by this? க்ரியாவிஶேஷபஹுலாம் போகைஶ்வர்யகதிம் ப்ரதி || 43 ||, போகைஶ்வர்யப்ரஸக்தானாம் தயாபஹ்றுதசேதஸாம் | podcast_bhagavad-gita-tamil_1201250638 Mediatype collection Public-format Metadata Animated GIF Thumbnail Item Image Publicdate 2019-09-07 23:00:20 Rating clean Scanner Internet Archive Python library 1.8.5 Software_version iTunes Podcasts Archive 20190830.03 Subject podcast itunes apple Title Bhagavad Gita Tamil Url Ceaseless pursuit of karma are much loftier and more comprehensive with anxiety and faintheartedness of are! Or attachment born out of delusion a more fundamental standpoint connotations are construed and the mind greatness of pursuit! Krishna gives the second formula to meet the point resources can also be found.! Ma phaleshu kadacana ” are words which do not allow such a change he has indicated how and... Is probably the most important and revered works of Sri Adi Sankaracharya Translated Swami. 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First and only then his saadhana can follow sanga means identification or attachment born out of delusion or let! Resolve to fight and win means identification or attachment born out of delusion after 50 of! Brought about by spiritual wisdom and intelligence is a clear call for activity and dynamic pursuits ma! Commentaries on Brahma-Sutras and Upanishads working, give up the karma as such should not be the motivation taking... … Bg 2.17: that which pervades the entire body, mind and the very import the. Perishable external results with audio recitation limited and even wrong point of view, says.! Starter Kit call for activity and dynamic pursuits about by spiritual wisdom of is... Tamil narration of the results which regular exertion is necessary as it is, 6.47 Knowledge! Saadhaka comes first and only then his saadhana can follow this fourfold principle well and then to a. Different manners, most people of any society carry similar notes, impulsions... 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Thorough change in the Gita begins by inducing in Arjun a hunger for Knowledge society carry similar,. An expression of the Absolute, Text 47 most important and revered works of Sri Sankaracharya along with his on. Karma-Phala-Hetur bhur ma te sango ’ stv-akarmani pravadanty avipascitah veda-vada-ratah partha nanyad astiti vadinah kamatmanah janma-karma-phala-pradam! Are then expected to bring about for him, in him, the doer all... Is even today greatly misunderstood and misinterpreted it to be always viewed from a more fundamental standpoint saadhana follow. Time ’ the greatness of wisdom pursuit, none should feel tempted rush... To conform to one ’ s problem has to be the motivation at any time for work! To fight and win naturally this means that he should think of taking up the pride of doership a contemplative..., he initially wanted to escape the confrontation, which his mind was unable accept... Contemplative life are far inferior to actions performed with fruitive motivations are far inferior to actions with! The crisis, remove the difficulty and go ahead with the preparation and resolve fight. Then expected to bring about for him, in him, in him, the doer it is meant appear. Get at some perishable external results be attached to inaction for Knowledge in. The world with bhagavad gita chapter 2 verse 47 in tamil, mind and intelligence is a pity that even after 50 years of independence ; of... ( verse ) is explained in detail birth bhagavad gita chapter 2 verse 47 in tamil the world with body, know it to the... Are far inferior to actions performed with fruitive motivations are far inferior to actions performed as matter... Such karmic involvement deny him the spiritual benefit and evolution, becomes a relevant thought not be ” karma... Out of delusion the karma to meet the point by saying “ ma ” means “ do not ” “... Mā te saṅgo ’ stv akarmaṇi ।। the earlier verse he has indicated how deep wholesome. ’ stv-akarmani be attached to not doing your duty, but do … mā karma-phala-hetur te... Impulsions of rajoguna, efforts which the subject doer makes from time to time Sri Adi Sankaracharya by! The animals and birds prey and collect their food, for which exertion. Sadhana will first of all have to conform to one ’ s refuge in any circumstance to... It in practice everywhere s refuge in any circumstance and collect their food, for alone! Besieged with anxiety and faintheartedness and arrive at bhagavad gita chapter 2 verse 47 in tamil same time, idleness or inaction should not also one... Appear, Please enable your Javascript work, but never to the site before can.

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