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[206][207] On 17 September, the European Parliament condemned Turkey for its violations of the Greek and Cypriot EEZs and called on the European Council to prepare further sanctions. [100][101][102][103] Even though the ratification by the Libyan Parliament failed, GNA deposited the maritime agreement to the United Nations on 27 December,[104] with Turkey following on 2 March of the next year. Both governments finally adopted an intransigent stance, publicly asserting their own claims of sovereignty over the islets. 6.2) justify in this case the non-application of the median line method. There is Mediterranean Sea to the south, Greek Peninsula to the west, Anatolia and part of Thrace to the east. The book contains contributions of scholars from Canada, Greece, Israel, Italy, and the United States. The dispute between Greece and Turkey concerning the delimitation of sea borders in the Eastern Mediterranean has become a security challenge for the whole region. Found inside – Page 133Spartivento , in the S. of Italy ; Cape Mata- Sweden and Zealand ; Great Belt , between pan , in the S. of Greece . ... now called Vasili , between Greece and Turkey in Asia ; Sea vá'se - le , a river of the Morea , Greece , which of ... Featuring some of the most popular crossword puzzles, XWordSolver.com uses the knowledge of experts in history, anthropology, and science combined to provide you solutions when you cannot seem to guess the word. "The fundamental source of tension between Turkey and Greece is the Greek perception to regard the entire Aegean as a Greek sea in total disregard of Turkey's rights and interests as one of the coastal states," it adds. [202] On 18 August, the Egyptian Parliament ratified the Greece - Egypt EEZ Agreement[203] and, 9 days later, the Greek Parliament followed suit,[204] before it would be registered at the United Nations on 24 December 2020. The Greek embassy in Ankara sent a complaint to the Turkish Foreign Ministry, Egypt considers the move as an encroachment of its waters,[147] and Germany's Foreign Minister Heiko Maas warned Turkey with consequences. Found inside – Page 127There are numerous sources of conflict between Greece and Turkey, two NATO neighbors: the delineation of the Aegean Sea continental shelf; the delimitation of territorial waters; an airspace dispute; minority rights; and the Cyprus ... Found inside – Page 133Spartivento , in the S. of Italy ; Cape Mata- Sweden and Zealand ; Great Belt , between par , in the S. of Greece . ... now called Vasili , between Greece and Turkey in Asia ; Sea vá'se - le , a river of the Morea , Greece , which of ... [141], On July 2020, France and Austria have called for sanctions against Turkey, such as the termination of the Turkey's EU accession talks. This would mean that Greece would gain the economic rights to almost the whole of the Aegean. Aegean Sea (Ege Denizi in Turkish) is a part of Mediterranean Sea lying between Turkey and Greece. Possible Answers: AEGEAN; Last seen in: The Guardian - Quick crossword No 15,854 - Mar 1 2021; L.A. Times Daily - Mar 5 2020; The Washington Post - Mar 5 2020 ; Universal - Mar 4 2020; The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 8009; Universal - Jul 30 . Tension remained high Tuesday between Greece and Turkey, both of which have warships in the eastern Mediterranean after Turkey sent a research vessel to carry out seismic research for energy resources in an area Greece says is on its continental shelf. (Original: Συμφωνία για ΑΟΖ με Ελλάδα, όπως η ελληνοϊταλική, ζητούν λιβυκή Βουλή - Χαφτάρ)", "Dendias at Libya: EEZ demarcation at the epicenter of the talks (Original: Δένδιας στην Λιβύη: Στο επίκεντρο των συζητήσεων ο καθορισμός ΑΟΖ Ελλάδας - Λιβύης)", "President of the Libyan Parliament: Committee for the maritime zones with Greece is being created [Original: Πρόεδρος λιβυκής Βουλής: Συγκροτείται επιτροπή για τις θαλάσσιες ζώνες με την Ελλάδα]", "Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias to visit Egypt on June 18", "EU gives Turkey one month as pressure for sanctions mounts", "Dendias: "The list of EU sanctions against Turkey is long" (Original: Δένδιας: "Μακρύς ο κατάλογος κυρώσεων της ΕΕ κατά της Τουρκίας")", "Turkey's NAVTEX and the positions of the naval forces (MAP) (original: Η NAVTEX της Τουρκίας και οι θέσεις των ναυτικών δυνάμεων [ΧΑΡΤΗΣ])", "Greece says Turkish plans to map sea encroach on its territory", "Egypt says Turkish seismic survey plans could encroach on its waters", "Greek PM warns Turkey over Eastern Mediterranean survey", "Navtex covers areas within Turkey's continental shelf, says Ankara", "Maas: Turkey will be isolated if it does not put an end to its provocations against Greece (Original: Μάας: Η Τουρκία θα απομονωθεί αν δεν σταματήσει τις προκλήσεις προς την Ελλάδα)", "German media: Turkey's actions in Mediterranean are illegal (Original: Γερμανικά ΜΜΕ: Παράνομες ενέργειες της Τουρκίας στη Μεσόγειο)", "Kastelorizo: tourists evacuate the island after the tensions in the Aegean (Original: Καστελόριζο: Αδειάζει από τουρίστες το νησί μετά την ένταση στο Αιγαίο)", "Armed forces on alert over Turkish exploration off Kastellorizo", "The Turkish Ambassador is summoned to the German Foreign Ministry (Original: Κλήση Τούρκου πρέσβη στο γερμανικό ΥΠΕΞ)", "Merkel's Intervention to Erdogan: Phone call -What they discussed (Original: Παρέμβαση Μέρκελ σε Ερντογάν: Tηλεφωνική επικοινωνία -Τι συζήτησαν)", "Merkel's intervention in Greek-Turkish affairs: Phone calls with Mitsotakis and Erdogan (Original: Παρέμβαση Μέρκελ στα ελληνοτουρκικά: Τηλεφωνική επικοινωνία με Μητσοτάκη και Ερντογάν)", "Bild: Merkel prevented a hot incident between Greece and Turkey - The background (Original: Bild: Η Μέρκελ απέτρεψε θερμό επεισόδιο μεταξύ Ελλάδας και Τουρκίας - Το παρασκήνιο)", "Diplomatic "chess game" for the East Mediterranean (original: Διπλωματικό "σκάκι" για την ανατολική Μεσόγειο)", "US envoy: Kastellorizo has same continental shelf, EEZ rights as mainland", "State Department: We are urging Turkey to stop whatever plans it has for Kastellorizo (Original: Στέιτ Ντιπάρτμεντ: Καλούμε την Τουρκία να σταματήσει ό,τι σχεδιάζει στο Καστελλόριζο)", "Macron denounces the violation of Greek and Cypriot sovereignty by Turkey (Original: Macron dénonce la violation des souverainetés grecque et chypriote par la Turquie)", "Merkel to Erdgoan: "You're exposing me" - Operation "de-escalation" in the Aegean (Original: Μέρκελ σε Ερντογάν: "Με εκθέτεις" - Επιχείρηση "αποκλιμάκωση" στο Αιγαίο)", "Dendias: "Yes" to dialog with Ankara, but not under threats and precedents (original: Δένδιας: "Ναι" στο διάλογο με την Αγκυρα αλλά όχι υπό το κράτος απειλών και τετελεσμένων)", "Turkey's President Has Hurt Muslim Interests Over Hagia Sophia", "Egypt and Greece sign agreement on exclusive economic zone", "The Greece – Egypt agreement on the EEZ was signed (original: Υπεγράφη η συμφωνία Ελλάδας – Αιγύπτου για την ΑΟΖ)", "This is the Greece-Egypt agreement on the EEZ (pdf) (original: Αυτή είναι η συμφωνία Ελλάδας – Αιγύπτου για την ΑΟΖ (pdf))", "Greece-Egypt deal cancels out Turkey-Libya memorandum, says Dendias", "Libya: The Sarraj government condemns the Greece-Egypt agreement on EEZ (original: Λιβύη: Η κυβέρνηση Σάρατζ καταδικάζει τη συμφωνία Ελλάδας-Αιγύπτου για την ΑΟΖ)", "Greece-Egypt agreement: "Congratulations to our Greek brothers", sources close to Haftar send - The message in Greek(original: Συμφωνία Ελλάδας – Αιγύπτου: "Συγχαρητήρια στους Έλληνες αδερφούς μας", στέλνουν πηγές προσκείμενες στον Χαφτάρ - Το μήνυμα στα ελληνικά)", "Dendias: Agreement with Egypt immediately to the Parliament - We call on Turkey not to leave the dialogue (Δένδιας: Άμεσα στη Βουλή η συμφωνία με την Αίγυπτο - Καλούμε την Τουρκία να μην αποχωρήσει από το διάλογο)", "Support by Saudi Arabia: Praised the Greece-Egypt agreement on EEZ (Στήριξη και από τη Σαουδική Αραβία: Εξήρε τη συμφωνία Ελλάδας-Αιγύπτου για την ΑΟΖ)", "The State Department for the Greece-Egypt agreement: In favor of the peaceful settlement of disputes (Το State Department για τη συμφωνία Ελλάδας-Αιγύπτου: Υπέρ της ειρηνικής επίλυσης των διαφορών)", "Erdogan responds with new drillings - At odds with the Greece-Egypt agreement (original: Απαντά με νέες γεωτρήσεις ο Ερντογάν - Στα… κάγκελα με τη συμφωνία Ελλάδας-Αιγύπτου)", "Weber: Greece-Egypt agreement strengthens peace and stability in the East Mediterranean (original: Βέμπερ: Η συμφωνία Ελλάδος- Αιγύπτου ενισχύει την ειρήνη και τη σταθερότητα στην Ανατ.

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